Posts in Allgemein

Mechanism-informed management of Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

Datum: 5.-6. Mai 2022

Kursort: Hotel Stoiser Graz, Mariatrosterstr. 174, 8044 Graz –


5.Mai 2022: 10.00-18.00 Uhr

6. Mai 2022: 8.30-11.30 Uhr

Kurssprache: Englisch

Referentin: Dr. Tara Packham


This intensive instructional and skills course will review contemporary theories for the
pathogenesis of complex regional pain syndrome, and the contributions of both
peripheral and central nervous system. We will link assessment and intervention to the
known mechanisms, to inform tailored and evidence-informed assessment and treatment
in the hand therapy context. Participants will have the opportunity to practice both
assessment and treatment strategies. The goal of this course is to provide therapists with
the knowledge and skill to provide tailored, evidence-based care for persons with
complex regional pain syndrome.

In Konkretem:

Instruction on pain mechanisms

Review of theory-informed approchroches to pain rehabilitation in hand therapy

Overview and practice of assessments for pain and disability, including psychophysical testing and patient-reported outcomes

Instruction and practice on interventions for complex regional pain syndrome


Zielgruppe: Ergotherapeut*innen und Physiotherapeut*innen

TN-Anzahl: mind 20 TN/max. 40 TN


ÖGHT Mitglieder € 205,– (inkl. Skriptum und Pausenverpflegung)

Nichtmitglieder € 260,– (inkl. Skriptum und Pausvenverpflegung)

Covid Maßnahmen: Die Zugangsvoraussetzungen orientieren sich an den aktuellen gesetzlichen Vorgaben zu Verantaltungen.

Anmeldeschluss: Ausgebucht – Anmeldung nur auf Warteliste möglich!

Bitte schicken Sie das Anmeldeformular:

per Post: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Handtherapie-ÖGHT, Holzmeistergasse 7-9/2/1, 1210 Wien

per Fax: 01-8974358

per e-mail:


Webinar: The Painful Wrist-Treatment and Clinical Reasoning – 3.-4.12.2021

Datum: 3.-4. Dezember 2021
3.12.2021 9°° – 17°° Uhr
4.12.2021 8°° – 16°° Uhr
Referentin: Sarah Mee, MSc.


•Detailed anatomy for the wrist and forearm with sensorimotor and neuromuscular components and application to movement and therapy.
•Practical surface anatomy and palpation will be practiced by all the delegates and again applied to testing the wrist
•The normal and abnormal mechanics of the wrist will be discussed with cases and evidence
•Concepts for assessment and managment of stiff and unstable wrists will be introduced
•Most common conditions (Distal radius fractures, scapholunate ligament injuries, TFCC and DRUJ injuries) will then be discussed in detail with provocative testing practicals, assessment and treatment ideas with clinical reasoning and discussion.
•Hand therapy options / treatment, including: Wrist-friendly muscles, importance of staged rehab protocol including sensorimotor and neuromuscular, management of stiff wrists

Ziel des Kurses:

•Delegates to gain an understanding of normal and abnormal anatomy and mechanics and apply this to clinical reasoning and treatment.
•To broaden knowledge and clinical reasoning for wrist fractures and ligament injuries with discussion of available evidence.

Zielgruppe: ErgotherapeutInnen, PhysiotherapeutInnen

TN-Zahl: mind. 20 TN/ max. 35 TN

ÖGHT Mitglieder € 180,– (inkl. Skriptum)
Nichtmitglieder € 230,– (inkl. Skriptum)

Anmeldeschluss: Ausgebucht!

Bitte schicken Sie das Anmeldeformular | per Post an: Österreichische Gesellschaft für Handtherapie ÖGHT, Holzmeistergasse 7-9, 1210 Wien oder | per Fax: (01) 8974358 oder
| per Mail: